
Big Shine Home has everything you need to go solar!

Why Solar?

Going solar for your home offers a myriad of benefits. From increasing your home value, lowering your electricity bill and helping you qualify for tax credits. Not to speak of the benefits using renewable energy has for our environment as we work to leave a more sustainable planet for future generations. 

Benefits of Solar

Full Turnkey Solution

30+ Years of Experience

Big Shine Home brings its expertise in providing a turnkey solution to commercial customers to help you navigate the process of implementing a solar photovoltaic system for your home. 

Clean Energy Audit & Consultation

Our Big Shine Home team will conduct a home visit to understand your energy usage, inspect your roof, and answer any questions you may have. The service is free.

Design & Manufacturing

Once we understand your energy needs, our solar design team will create a custom solution for you.
We also manufacture our own solar panels.

Permitting & Interconnection Application

Our project management team will take care of all paperwork related to permitting with your utility and municipality.

Installation & Commissioning

We will work with you to schedule your installation at your convenience. We'll also work with you until your system is fully operating.


Ready to go Solar?

Fill in the form below or give us a call at (845) 444-5255.

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